
Hey Beautiful

Every woman loves to be called beautiful. And it’s a common phrase that men often times use to greet her. But when your down and lonely and yearning for what’s missing, that ‘beautiful’ will make you clean him up, buy him new clothes, and move him in. That beautiful will put blinders on your eyes, force you to look through strained lenses. That beautiful will disrupt your soul. Have you accepting things that never before you’d allow. That beautiful is dangerous yet common. To allow that beauty to inflict you could destroy everything that you worked for. It could destroy your dreams. That beautiful can turn a desolate man into the King of your castle. That beautiful offers nothing but takes everything. So please, define it for your self, so you can sniff an imposter out with your smile and keep it moving.

NOW i understand.

Ive been in a relationship with myself for a little over a year now. I must admit I wasn't always good to me. I talked down to me, stopped listening to me, fed myself poorly, and sometimes just ignored the fact that I matter. I didn't realize during that abandonment season how valuable I am. I took me for granted and it started to show. I became unfocused, sluggish, and unmotivated. I was responding after years of bad treatment that i had dished out to myself, but I expected a different result. How strange of me. Knowing that you get what you give however, I continued to give myself poor treatment and expected me to perform at a high level. I was wrong. Now I'm in reset mode. I must say that I'm grateful for it. I don't always get it right but now I'm more aware. I speak life over myself. I read more books that will force growth and development. I'm eating healthier. I have a better group of friends around me and I refuse to allow anyone elses way of living